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Taysir al-Tajwid Video Lessons

£10.99 - £55.00

On-demand Taysir al-Tajwid lessons taught by the author of the book. Join the teacher on a complete walkthrough of the Taysir, chapter by chapter, with in-depth commentary and detail. Lifelong online access available at your fingertips at any time. Pause and play 16+ hours of pre-recorded lessons at your own leisure. Extensive explanations accompany every Tajwid rule and concept in this comprehensive guide through the science. Numerous examples and practice-based exercises ease the skills and techniques needed to rectify recitation mistakes. Each chapter is followed by extracts from the Qur'an which are studied to highlight and emphasise concepts. Summative quizzes at the end of chapters allow for the student to hold themselves accountable and assess progress. As Tajwid is an oratory science that relies entirely on sounds, reading it from a textbook is insufficient in grasping a complete comprehension of the concepts. Through clear descriptions and demonstrations, this all-access option is meant to bring the nuances of an oratory science to life, allowing students to listen to the nuances of pronunciation to better understand the auditory detail and distinctions between letters and rules. The lessons are filled with advice and motivational takeaways that seek to kindle a light of love for the Qur'an that beckons the student to feel the warmth and companionship of the Qur'an, while instilling a deep appreciation for the science of Tajwid.

You will require access to YouTube to watch these videos. Please be sure to include your YouTube/ Google email in the 'Notes' when placing your order. You will only be able to access the videos through your YouTube account, so please ensure you include the correct email that you use for YouTube.